Cypherpunk Manifesto 23

On October 20 and 21 2023, at the Cypherpunk Manifesto tribute event at Plan B Forum Lugano, the portraits of 12 cypherpunks, painted by Oskar Stocker, will be presented and presented to the cypherpunks. For this purpose, our card wallets are used as carriers of the ordinal inscriptions, which makes us infinitely proud.

In 1993, Eric Hughes “A Cypherpunk's Manifesto” published. In addition to the Bitcoin white paper this text itself is also very important if you want to understand Bitcoin and the background to the creation of Bitcoin. 30 years after its publication, it is time to talk to the protagonists of the Cypherpunks-Movement to honor.

Their pioneering contributions to an open society and a decentralized economy cannot be appreciated enough. They campaigned early on for freedom of speech and privacy and ensured that private data can be transmitted securely through encryption and anonymous systems. This is more important today than ever and deserves great respect. The history and development of Bitcoin was also significantly influenced by the early thoughts and actions of cypherpunks.

As part of a worldwide cypherpunk initiative, these core ideas are now being brought back to life with a modern, artistic touch. The main focus of this homage is an art project that combines traditional and digital art forms with Bitcoin. It focuses its artistic attention on 12 influential figures of the cypherpunk movement and their works. The aim is to bring the revolutionary spirit of this movement closer to a wider audience through art.

The renowned artist Oskar Stocker has made 12 impressive portraits of major cypherpunks including Adam Back, Nick Szabo, Wei Dai, Eric Hughes and Julian Assange using traditional mixed media. Inspired by these works, Otto Tasnadi & CYI “R have developed digital artifacts (morphing videos) that artistically express how the ideas and work of cypherpunks protect our personal freedom and privacy from a dystopian future of mass surveillance and censorship in a digital world.

Portrait von Adam Back
Adam Back by Oskar Stocker

The tribute event will take place on October 20 and 21, 2023, 30 years after the first historic Cypherpunks meeting. On this occasion, prominent members of the cypherpunk movement are honored and core topics of their work are discussed during the Plan B Forum at the Convention Center in Lugano, Switzerland.

At the highlight of the tribute event, the 12 cypherpunk portraits will be presented together with the digital creations and the artists present, as well as three of the original cypherpunks, and presented to these personal portraits.

We at Coinfinity are very proud to be able to support this initiative as well. For the award ceremony, an exclusive series of Card Wallets were produced and sent, on which the digital works of art are immortalized as ordinal inscriptions. The Card Wallets can be stored for a long time or transferred physically and therefore completely without a blockchain transaction. If required, the private keys can be imported into an ordinal wallet.

Card Wallet Cypherpunk Manifesto 23
Card Wallet Cypherpunk Manifesto 23

The tribute and art premiere are the starting point for a contemporary cypherpunk initiative that brings the core ideas of the original manifesto into digital and public space. Supporters of this movement strive for a system that is open, inclusive, and decentralized, and in which they can share their data securely without third parties or censorship.

Find out more about Cypherpunk Manifesto 23 here.