21energy: Interview with Lukas Waldner

In this interview, we talk to the co-founder of 21energy, Lukas Waldner. Among other things, we learn what opportunities Lukas sees for his generation in the Bitcoin space and what makes 21energy heating systems so special. Finally, there is a raffle for a 21energy oven!

“For me, the Bitcoin space has offered a unique future perspective that I have not found in any other industry. The industry is growing incredibly fast, and this creates an environment in which everyone communicates with each other on equal footing and a very open exchange takes place. This dynamism has given me the motivation and interest to start something myself and develop a product. Without Bitcoin, I probably wouldn't have founded a start-up at the age of 21.”

Portrait of Lukas Waldner

Hi, I'm Lukas, 23 years old and I grew up in Innsbruck. After graduating from school in 2020 (and doing community service), I had the chance to work directly in the Bitcoin world. For over two years I was the project manager of the largest German-language Bitcoin conference (BTC22 & BTC23). In October 2022, I founded the start-up 21energy together with my co-founder Maximilian. There, we develop sustainable energy and heating solutions for companies and private individuals with integrated Bitcoin mining chips. I am also a competitive athlete & alpinist and enjoy hiking on the most challenging mountains in the world.

My links


Questions & answers

What do you offer at 21energy?

At 21energy, we offer sustainable energy and heating solutions based on the integration of Bitcoin mining chips. Our products are aimed at both companies and private individuals who are looking for innovative ways to optimize their energy costs while benefiting from the waste heat of the ASIC mining chip. We combine cutting-edge technology with environmentally friendly approaches to enable sustainable energy use and heat recovery.

Nachhaltige Energie- und Heizlösung von 21energy

How did you learn about Bitcoin and what were you up to before 21energy?

I had my first intensive contact with Bitcoin in 2019 through my father and one of his friends. Back then, I only dealt with it marginally at first. In 2020, during COVID and my Matura, I began to deal intensively with Bitcoin. My interest grew steadily, and from autumn 2021 I had the opportunity to organize the largest German-language Bitcoin conference together with Peter Taschler. From that moment on, Bitcoin was an integral part of my head. The business idea for 21energy was born in summer 2022 and I quickly realized that it was just right for me.

From a Generation Z perspective, what future has the Bitcoin space offered you that you haven't found elsewhere?

For me as Generation Z, the Bitcoin space has offered a unique future perspective that I haven't found in any other industry (at least so far in my younger years). The industry is growing incredibly fast, and this creates an environment in which everyone communicates with each other on equal footing and a very open exchange takes place. In addition, new business areas and opportunities for companies are constantly emerging.

This dynamism has given me the motivation and interest to start something myself and develop a product. Without Bitcoin, I probably wouldn't have founded a start-up at the age of 21. The industry inspires us to break new ground and find innovative solutions — something that is particularly important for our generation, but is often missing.

How do you position yourself on the mining market with 21energy? Lifestyle products for techies, or large scale business investments?

At 21energy, we don't (only) focus on lifestyle products for tech enthusiasts, but strive to appeal to the wider society as well. We offer solutions that are useful for both individuals and companies by using Bitcoin mining to save heating costs or as an innovative solution to challenges in the energy sector. Our portfolio ranges from solutions for smaller private households to large business systems for well-known DAX companies, from which we have also already won customers.

To understand as a layman, what makes your Bitcoin heaters different from traditional heating systems?

Traditional heating systems convert electrical energy directly into heat energy to heat your rooms. This means that all electrical energy is simply converted into heat energy, and there is no further functionality left.

Our Bitcoin heating systems from 21energy go one step further: They use electrical energy in two dimensions and not only to generate heat, but also to perform computing tasks in the Bitcoin mining process. This means that in addition to the heat you receive to heat your rooms, additional computing power is generated. This computing power results in a so-called “cashback” in the form of Bitcoin. Physically speaking, 100% of electrical energy is still converted into heat, but at the same time the energy is used for mining, which provides additional benefits.

Mining Ofen von 21energy

What are the biggest challenges you are facing in the industry and how are regulatory changes influencing your business?

A major challenge in the industry was the initial perception that Bitcoin is environmentally harmful and that we want to further spread this supposedly harmful mining. In fact, Bitcoin mining technology offers environmentally friendly approaches, which we want to illustrate with our products.

In addition, we are facing logistical challenges in inventory management, in particular when purchasing special parts from abroad in large quantities. The long lead times and the rapidly growing market often make planning and managing production challenging.

Regulatory uncertainty is another challenge. Since Bitcoin and the mining industry in particular are still relatively new in Europe, there is often limited information about how they will be regulated in the future.

What are your plans for the future of 21energy? Are you working on new technologies or products that you can share with us?

We have big plans for the future of 21energy. We want to continue to make a positive contribution to Bitcoin's development and help the network grow. At the same time, as a start-up, we strive to be economically successful.

To achieve this, we always remain innovative and work on new technologies and products. Through continuous development and creative approaches, we want to both improve our solutions and expand the benefits and experience for our customers. One promising project that we are looking at is the development of Bitcoin central heating systems, which offer significant growth potential.

What do you think of the current market situation in Bitcoin mining? What trends and developments do you expect in the next few years?

The current market situation in Bitcoin mining is very dynamic: The computing power (hashrate) in the network is constantly growing, making mining an increasingly important and larger industry.

In the long term, we see mining continuing to be decentralized, away from big players towards smaller, decentralized integrated solutions. However, large mining farms will continue to play a role in the next few years. The potential for mining in areas where waste heat is already required is enormous. Around 1000 times as much energy is currently used worldwide to generate heat as electricity flows into Bitcoin mining. In addition, there is an increasing integration of Bitcoin mining in regions with surplus energy in order to use it efficiently.

What role does decentralization play for 21energy, and how do you ensure that your products contribute to it?

Decentralization is central to 21energy as we are actively working to make Bitcoin mining less centralized and more accessible. In the mining industry, the high level of centralization is now a significant problem that does not always match the original decentralized idea of Bitcoin.

We offer products that can be integrated decentrally. This means that our solutions can be used in homes, apartment blocks, companies, and other local environments. In this way, we are helping to expand mining to wider, decentralized structures and make it accessible to a larger number of users.

What advice would you give new entrepreneurs in the Bitcoin industry?

My tip for anyone who wants to get into the Bitcoin world: Just get started! The best time was probably yesterday, just like when buying Bitcoin. You will constantly learn new things, make exciting contacts and expand your network. It was a great decision for me to enter the Bitcoin scene — it is exciting every day and offers lots of opportunities.

Coinfinity X 21energy raffle

Keep your Bitcoin cold and your home warm!

Just in time for the start of the cold season, together with 21energy, we are giving away a mining stove worth 990€, with which you can keep yourself warm and earn a few sats at the same time.

This is how you take part:

1. Like Coinfinity and 21energy on X/Twitter
2. Like
this post
3. ️Mark someone who should start mining

The competition ends on Monday, 14/10/2024 at 21:21. The winner will be announced the following day.

Disclaimer: This promotion is in no way sponsored, supported, or managed by X and is in no way associated with X. Coinfinity alone is the point of contact and solely responsible for the competition.