Bitcoin adventure in El Salvador: Interview with Chris Meinhart

In this video interview, we talk to our “Bitcoin foreign correspondent” Chris Meinhart about his upcoming trip to El Salvador and learn more about his motivation behind this project and his plans for the trip.

Portrait of Chris

Chris Meinhart

My name is Chris Meinhart, I am 34 years old, born near Cologne and have lived on the Canary Islands for almost nine years. In recent years, I've worked in the tourism sector on Gran Canaria and since the COVID-19 pandemic, I've worked from home as an account manager DACH in the B2B/sales sector for various Spanish start-ups in various sectors.

I am currently officially looking for a job, but I am concentrating on my upcoming trip to El Salvador, which starts on August 28th. I am also actively working on my social media channels to spread Bitcoin and, in particular, to do educational and educational work in this area.

My links


Bitcoin Mastery



Questions & answers

What was the decisive moment that led you to intensively study Bitcoin and ultimately founded Bitcoin Mastery?

My journey in the cryptocurrency market began in mid-2021 and I knew right from the start that Bitcoin was in a league of its own. The decisive moment that sparked my interest in Bitcoin was the aspect of security — Bitcoin as a safe haven.

At the start of my crypto journey and investments, my portfolio grew fairly quickly due to various events in my life. But one day I asked myself the question: “What do I do if I lose all my investment in altcoins and they drop to zero?” That was the moment when I began to deal intensively with Bitcoin on a daily basis. Within about 6-7 months, I became a convinced Bitcoiner.

I founded Bitcoin mastery, inspired by a YouTuber named Niklas Steenfatt, who worked for Facebook, among others. In one of his videos, he explained how easy it was to create a homepage. The decisive point, however, was his statement not to wait and simply do it, directly and without doubt. In September 2023, it was time for me to start my own small project. With Bitcoin Mastery I would like to create and make available free educational content about Bitcoin via my homepage and blog — for everyone who wants to learn about Bitcoin for free.

Since Bitcoin became my personal task in life, I ask myself every day: “What can I personally do for Bitcoin?”

What do you offer your customers at Bitcoin Mastery?

All content I create and share is free of charge. I am not running this project as a business, but as a matter close to my heart and more as a kind of hobby to give something back to people and make Bitcoin better known. That is my true motivation.

In addition to regular blog posts, I occasionally promote products and services that I use myself and that I am 100% convinced of. Bitcoin Mastery is primarily about education and education, and I firmly believe that these should be free and available to everyone.

How did you get the idea to go on a trip to El Salvador?

The idea of traveling to El Salvador originated in March/April earlier this year. Marc from Bitcoin Hotel in Plochingen reported on his YouTube channel about his experiences in El Salvador. I then met someone by chance on X (Twitter). Our joint idea was to create a Telegram group to find like-minded people who would like to emigrate or travel to El Salvador.

So we finally decided to plan our trip, which will start on 28/29 August. I will be taking this trip with two other colleagues. Our main focus is initially on getting to know the country and the people and giving us a first insight on site. We have made a conscious decision to take the word “emigration” off our shoulders and look at everything in peace and quiet.

I'm of the opinion that everything will run its course at the end of the day. We want to save ourselves any pressure or stress and start the journey in a relaxed and unbiased manner.

Can you tell us a bit about the upcoming content and focus of your coverage from El Salvador?

The focus of our trip is definitely getting to know the country and the people. In concrete terms, this means getting in touch with locals, but also with people who have already emigrated to El Salvador. Our main focus will be to make up our own mind on site.

Bitcoin plays a very important role, of course, and I think that a month to start is a good time to get to know the country and its people better. From the history of El Salvador to President Bukele to the introduction of Bitcoin as an official means of payment, I want to hear everything from locals as well as from people who have already emigrated.

The fact that I live in Gran Canaria and therefore speak the Spanish language is a big advantage for me. This will enable me to understand and understand the feelings and emotions of local people on a deeper and more personal level.

Would you describe yourself as a digital nomad or would you rather settle down, just not necessarily in Germany?

I wouldn't call myself a digital nomad, as I've lived in Gran Canaria for about nine years. I live here surrounded by the locals and not in a tourist area. Since my emigration to the Canary Islands, it has been my goal to integrate as quickly as possible into the culture and life of the 'Canarios' and to become part of society and their culture.

Even though I've worked from home for the DACH market since the COVID-19 pandemic, I don't see myself as a digital nomad. In addition, I no longer live in Germany and pay my taxes and all other duties here in Spain.

You repeatedly stress the importance of education and enlightenment. In your opinion, what role does education play in the adoption and acceptance of Bitcoin worldwide?

Education and education are, in my opinion, decisive factors for global Bitcoin adoption. Knowledge means power. Only those who understand Bitcoin in its depth and breadth will recognize what a powerful asset they have with Bitcoin. The fact that the mainstream media have often spread false information about Bitcoin in the past shows that we are still just getting started. That is why it is so important to provide information and education in this area.

More and more people understand Bitcoin and are dedicating themselves to this topic. Adoption is progressing incessantly, day by day, and it appears that the so-called game theory is already in full swing. Of course, many people will come to Bitcoin because of the price and other factors, but through education and education, they will stick around because of the idea behind Bitcoin. That is my conviction.

How do you see the future of Bitcoin in the global financial landscape, particularly in developing countries?

Bitcoin has already established itself in the global financial landscape much earlier than I could have dreamed of. I regard the future of Bitcoin in the global financial world as indispensable. It is already clear today that Bitcoin does not need politicians or governments — on the contrary, personalities such as Donald Trump and other institutions and governments will need Bitcoin.

I regard Bitcoin as extremely important, especially in developing countries. The book “The Trojan Horse of Freedom: Bitcoin as an Opportunity in the Struggle for Self-Determination and Human Rights” by Alex Gladstein impressively shows the major role Bitcoin already plays for people in these regions. Bitcoin is a powerful tool there that, for the first time in history, enables people to protect their energy and purchasing power.

For people in developing countries, this is a huge success. Bitcoin isn't interested in skin color, origin, or religion — Bitcoin is for everyone. It is available and tradable globally and 24/7. I am convinced that Bitcoin will bring about many positive changes, particularly in countries where people suffer from extreme declines in the value of their currency and corruption.

Why did you decide to take on a role as Bitcoin Ambassador for Coinfinity?

Coinfinity is one of the oldest hands in the Bitcoin space. The fact that Coinfinity has been around since 2014 clearly shows how early the topic of Bitcoin was understood and that it has set itself the task of spreading Bitcoin. Supporting and promoting a Bitcoin-only company like Coinfinity makes me particularly proud. You could almost say it's a privilege for me.

As a supporter of Bitcoin, I want to provide education and that is also the case with Coinfinity. With my work, I only want and will in future promote products that I am absolutely convinced of. The Coinfinity app and the company's entire image are ideally suited to my values and ideas.

I think we can be particularly proud of our Bitcoin community in the DACH region. There are many outstanding service providers, companies, and Bitcoin influencers who are committed to the spread of Bitcoin. Being a part of this community fills me with pride and happiness.

That is why I am very grateful to be able to represent Coinfinity. True to the motto - Bringing Bitcoin to the people.

Learn more about Chris and his trip to El Salvador in Coinfinity's new YouTube format: Bitcoin Stories - Chris's Reise nach El Salvador

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