Bitcoin purchases via Lightning now available for all users

The time has come: Starting today, we are Austria's first Bitcoin broker to offer all users the opportunity to buy Bitcoin via the Lightning network. In this post, you'll learn how Lightning works with Coinfinity and what the benefits are.

We are stoked to offer all our customers Bitcoin purchases via the Lightning Network from now on. Whether in the app or via the web portal - now you can also stack your Satoshis with Lightning. The second-layer solution makes it possible to carry out Bitcoin transactions in seconds and with minimal fees. This update was particularly important to us as On-chain fees continue to rise with the growing popularity and use of Bitcoin.

In a next step, we will of course also deploy Lightning for our Bitcoin savings plans.

The Lightning Network in brief

that Lightning network, a “second-layer” solution, addresses the so-called blockchain trilemma: the balance between decentralization, security, and scalability.

While Bitcoin's decentralization and network security are undisputed (there has been no successful attack on the Bitcoin blockchain so far), the deliberate limitation of transaction capacity per block results in longer waiting times and higher fees. This is where the Lightning network comes in and enables the quick and cost-effective processing of many transactions with small amounts outside the blockchain.

In comparison, you can think of it as a credit card transaction (Lightning), which is much faster and more efficient than a bank transfer (on-chain). A technology, so to speak, that builds on previous technology. If you are interested in the topic, you can find out more about Lightning in this detailed article.

How does buying Bitcoin via Lightning work?

To buy Bitcoin with Lightning from Coinfinity, you need either an LNURL or Lightning address. In the first step of Lightning implementation, we restrict payouts to these formats and gradually approach the extension with normal invoices (one-time invoice).

What is an LNURL or Lightning address?

LNURLs are usually long and not intuitively readable by humans. It is therefore useful to only use it as a QR code. They are not intended for manual entry.


A Lightning address, on the other hand, is a simplified and abbreviated representation of the LNURL and looks similar to an email address. However, the way it works is the same.

An example of a Lightning address:

We intentionally explain this in a very simplified way. If you want to understand that better, our Lightning developer Johnny has a great Deep Dive article written about LNURLs and Lightning addresses.

What do I need to get started with Lightning?

To receive Lightning payments, you need a Lightning wallet. As with normal Bitcoin wallets, a distinction is made between non-custodial and custodial wallets.

Non-custodial Lightning wallets give users full control over their own private keys and therefore over their Bitcoin. They usually help you manage payment channels, but the user keeps the private keys himself.

Unfortunately, there are few non-custodial Lightning wallets that support the specified address formats so far, but we'll try to list several options for you and hope there's something for you.

Wallet of Satoshi

Wallet of Satoshi:

  • Pro: Super simple user interface, instantly available Lightning address
  • Cons: A Custodial Lightning Service. This means the wallet app operators manage and keep your Satoshis. We recommend that you set a personal limit (e.g. 500€) at which you can withdraw the Bitcoin from here into personal custody.

Blink Wallet

Blink Wallet:

  • Pro: Super simple user interface, quickly available Lightning address
  • Cons: A Custodial Lightning Service. This means the wallet app operators manage and keep your Satoshis. We recommend that you set a personal limit (e.g. 500€) at which you can withdraw the Bitcoin from here into personal custody.

Zeus Wallet

Zeus Wallet:

  • Pro: Self-Custody! Users keep their private keys themselves
  • Cons: The setup is not entirely trivial and the fees for using a Lightning address are not insignificant. As a user, you also have to go online in the wallet within 24 hours of receiving payment, which is not ideal. However, with the help of the instructions for onboarding and setting up the Lightning address, this should be feasible.

As described above, custody services are generally more user-friendly and require less technical knowledge, but should not be used to store larger amounts of money.

When buying Bitcoin via Lightning, simply enter your Lightning address or LNURL instead of your on-chain Bitcoin address as usual. Just try it out and send sats around the world in a matter of seconds!

Get the Coinfinity app and get started with Lightning now! ⚡️
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